
15% of WC Injuries Are the Result of a Slip and Fall

South Carolina Workers Comp Lawyers Fast Facts -Slip & fall injuries make up 15 percent of all worker’s compensation claims. -65% of lost work days are the result of a slip and fall accident. -22% of slip and fall incidents resulted in more than 31 days away from work. -24% of workplace slip and falls can be directly attributed to footwear. How to Proceed After a Work Injury Report the Injury: When you are hurt on the job , it is critical that you report the injury to your employer as soon as possible, but no longer than 90 … [Read more...]

Repetitive Work Injuries

South Carolina Workers' Compensation Lawyers Repetitive Injury In South Carolina, the Workers' Compensation laws provide for compensation in the event of a work related injury. Although a work related injury can happen in a split second, a work related injury may also occur a period of time. The South Carolina Workers' Compensation Laws provide coverage for a repetitive work injury. A repetitive injury is usually caused by accumulated physical damage and may occur from daily wear and tear at the workplace that results in physical … [Read more...]

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Workers Comp Claim?

Why do I need a work injury lawyer to get worker’s comp benefits? Anyone can file a workers comp claim for a work-related injury on their own. The South Carolina Worker’s Comp Commission is supposed to oversee conflicts that arise between the injured employee and the employer’s insurance company. However, even with a mediator, an injured employee is challenged to act on his own behalf against a business entity. Insurance companies have lawyers, lots of fine print and look for reasons not to pay. Workers’ compensation is their business. … [Read more...]